Man holding his dog in a car

Payment/Debt Protection

No matter how financially responsible you are, there are going to be times and circumstances when, in spite of your best efforts, you’ll need a helping hand.

Payment/Debt Protection from Greater Nevada provides the right protection at the right time—and can help keep your credit rating spotless.​

With Payment/Debt Protection, you and your family won’t need to worry about making your Greater Nevada loan payments if you are involuntarily unemployed, become disabled, or loss of life occurs. Take a look at this simple plan for protecting you and your family.

  • Single and joint options are available to meet your specific needs.
  • Up to $75,000 coverage per loan is available.
  • The premium is added to your loan balance each month.
  • Monthly payments are made automatically on all covered loans.
  • In the event of your death, your loan balance will be paid in full.

Certain rules and restrictions do apply, and our lending team is available to explain all of the details with you.

Payment/Debt Protection is a Debt Cancellation Plan and is not offered as insurance coverage. The plan is voluntary and not required in order to obtain credit. Greater Nevada will not consider whether or not you elect Payment/Debt Protection in making a credit decision.