At Greater Nevada Credit Union, we offer a variety of protection solutions to provide you with peace of mind and security. Simply click on the type of coverage you’re interested in to explore the details and get started on securing the protection you need.
Protection Solutions
Your Shield Against Life’s Uncertainties

Guaranteed Acceptance Supplemental Insurance Solutions1
These supplemental options give you an extra layer of essential insurance coverage.
Recuperative Care Plan
The Recuperative Care Plan pays you cash benefits when you’re hospitalized for any sickness or covered accident. You can use the money to help pay everyday expenses while you recover.
Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
In the event of a covered serious or fatal accident, AD&D Insurance, underwritten by Minnesota Life Insurance Company, can pay a cash benefit at a critical time. It’s money your loved ones can use for monthly bills, debts, funeral expenses, or anything else.
Loan & Vehicle Protection Solutions
These protection options are designed to safeguard your financial well-being and provide peace of mind.
Payment/Debt Protection
Payment/Debt Protection helps cover your loan payments or balance in the event of involuntary unemployment, disability, or death. It’s a simple way to ensure your finances stay on track during difficult times.
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)
When your vehicle is totaled or stolen, the last thing you want is to be left with a large loan balance you can’t cover. GAP helps bridge that financial gap, and may cover the difference between your loan balance and what your insurance company will pay.
Mechanical Breakdown Protection (MBP)
Unexpected breakdowns can be costly and stressful. With MBP, you can drive with peace of mind, knowing you may be covered against unforeseen repairs.
1Available insurance products are not deposits of Greater Nevada Credit Union and are not protected by any type of deposit insurance, are not obligations of or guaranteed by Greater Nevada Credit Union or its affiliates, and may be subject to risk. Insurance products are not insured or guaranteed by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) or any other agency of the United States. Any insurance required as a condition of the extension of credit by Greater Nevada Credit Union need not be purchased from our Agency but may, without affecting the approval of the application for an extension of credit, be purchased from an agent or insurance company of the customer’s choice. Individual premiums and savings will vary.