Simple Loan Calculator

Plan For Your Possible Payments

Want to know how much your monthly payments will be for your next loan with Greater Nevada Credit Union? Our simple loan calculator will help you better understand the possibilities by running test scenarios before moving ahead with applying.

simple loan calculator
Couple buckling seat belts in a car

90 Days With No Payments on New and Used Auto Loans*

Looking for a new (or new to you) car, truck, or van? Start here with a low rate and a limited-time offer of no payments for the first three months. Then, hit the road anywhere!


*90-day no pay offer is based on approved credit. Offer is available for auto loans with application submitted by June 30, 2025. Payment Saver Auto Loans are not eligible. If accepted, it will extend your loan by three (3) months, and finance charges will accrue on unpaid principal. Offer is subject to change or cancellation without notice except as required by law.

Greater Nevada Credit Union’s Simple Loan Calculator

Borrowing money? Tell us how much you’d like to borrow along with the desired loan term and interest rate and we will calculate your monthly payment with our loan payment calculator.

You can also explore our other financial calculators here.

Simple Loan Calculator Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do credit unions like Greater Nevada determine your monthly payments on loans? Get the answer to this and other popular questions below.

How is a loan calculated?

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Many factors go into calculating the monthly payment on a loan: everything from the loan amount, the loan terms, the type of loan (student loans, home loans, auto loans, etc.), whether it’s a secure loan or an unsecured loan and so on.

Note that repayment of a loan requires that the borrower make a monthly payment to the lender. With each monthly payment, you pay down a portion of the loan principal, as well as monthly interest on the outstanding balance. Loan payments are amortized so that the monthly payment remains the same throughout the repayment term, but during that time, the percentage of the amount that goes toward principal starts lower and will increase as the outstanding loan balance decreases.

How do I calculate my monthly payment on a loan?

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It’s a snap to calculate your monthly loan payment using our Simple Loan Calculator to run as many test scenarios you’d like, which you’ll find above. 


  1. Determine how much money you would like to borrow.
  2. Add in your desired loan term in years.
  3. Add in the interest rate.
  4. The calculator will handle the rest and estimate your monthly payment, and you can explore the loan amortization schedule as well.  

Additional Online Calculators

Discover more tools from Greater Nevada to help you run test scenarios on your monthly payments on loans, forecasting a budget for your home, and other important financial topics.

loan payment calculator

Apply For a Loan From Greater Nevada Credit Union Today

Now that you have a sense of your loan’s total amount and the types of loans available to you, get started with an application today.

This calculator is intended solely for general information and educational purposes. Greater Nevada Credit Union does not guarantee the accuracy of the calculations. The calculator is not intended in any way as financial, insurance, tax or legal information regarding your financial situation.