Want to know how much your monthly payments will be for your next loan with Greater Nevada Credit Union? Our simple loan calculator will help you better understand the possibilities by running test scenarios before moving ahead with applying.
Simple Loan Calculator
Plan For Your Possible Payments
90 Days With No Payments on New and Used Auto Loans*
Looking for a new (or new to you) car, truck, or van? Start here with a low rate and no payments for the first three months. Then, hit the road anywhere! This offer is good for applications submitted by March 31.
*90-day no pay offer is based on approved credit. Offer is available for auto loans with application submitted by March 31, 2025. Payment Saver Auto Loans are not eligible. If accepted, it will extend your loan by three (3) months, and finance charges will accrue on unpaid principal. Offer is subject to change or cancellation without notice except as required by law.
Greater Nevada Credit Union’s Simple Loan Calculator
Borrowing money? Tell us how much you’d like to borrow along with the desired loan term and interest rate and we will calculate your monthly payment with our loan payment calculator.
You can also explore our other financial calculators here.
Additional Online Calculators
Discover more tools from Greater Nevada to help you run test scenarios on your monthly payments on loans, forecasting a budget for your home, and other important financial topics.
Bi-Weekly Loan Payments Calculator
Want to make half your loan payments every two weeks? See how much you can save.
Debt Consolidation Calculator
Are you looking for a way to manage your debts more effectively? This free calculator is a great place to start!
Mortgage Refinance Savings Calculator
How much money can you save on your monthly house payment? Find out here.
Buy vs. Lease Car Loan Calculator
How much could you save by buying your car rather than leasing it? We’ll tell you here.
High-Yield Account Calculator
Let your money work for you while you relax. The more you save, the more interest you can earn, helping your money grow faster.
CD Calculator
Estimate your earnings on fixed-rate, fixed-term Share Certificates (CDs).
Simple Savings Calculator
Putting your money into a savings account that earns interest is like planting a magic seed that grows into more money over time!
Budget Calculator
Analyze your spending and tame your expenses with this handy household cash flow calculator.
Savings Goal Calculator
See how long it will take you to save up for a specific goal with this calculator.
Apply For a Loan From Greater Nevada Credit Union Today
Now that you have a sense of your loan’s total amount and the types of loans available to you, get started with an application today.
This calculator is intended solely for general information and educational purposes. Greater Nevada Credit Union does not guarantee the accuracy of the calculations. The calculator is not intended in any way as financial, insurance, tax or legal information regarding your financial situation.